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How it works?
Our mission is to create professional visibility and accessibility for motivated job seekers that have a passion for the automotive, transportation and technology industries. Auto CV wants to expand and grow your network so you could attract the right employer or ideal candidate for your organization. We do that by building a web platform that matches your needs.
There are many opportunities in the automotive market, transportation industry and technology sector to build and grow your career. We provide exposure for those who want to transition to something different or pursue new challenges in these booming industries. Auto CV is a free service for job seekers. All you have to do is upload your resume, make a short video (Optional) and apply at job postings that interest you. Many employers and recruiters browse our website daily, to locate individuals that have a chance to prosper in the automotive, transportation and technology fields of employment. We present employers with a pool of talented and qualified candidates to fulfill their business needs.
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